CLIENTS' Page -- Stellar Performance Marketing

Do you need to lower your current telemarketing cost(s) per sale?
Increase sales levels?
Expand volume?
Over 35 different centers are available to help you exceed your goals.

A free analysis of a current or proposed project will be done for all clients at no charge.

Availability--By Volume
Centers Number & Type (I)nbound, (O)utbound, (B)oth
Automated/On-line (net) reports 1 center with 65 (I) seats 10 (O & B) seats
Fully Predictive 30 Outbound centers
24-Hour/365 day 3 Inbound Centers
Manual/Outbound 4 Centers (for smaller efforts)
Total Inbound Seats over 700
Total Outbound Seats over 1,000

email from here.

Stellar Performance Marketing specializes in matching clients and their products and services with specialized telemarketing centers. A number of centers are available for all types of inbound and outbound telemarketing: From specialized insurance and business- to-business needs to simple political calls and lead generation programs.

With over 15 year's experience in the telemarketing industry, Stellar Performance Marketing could be your 'link' to success.

Stellar Performance Marketing provides these services for clients & centers:

  • Assistance with RFP's and contractual needs (no charge).
  • Matching clients and programs with service bureaus (both inbound and outbound)
  • Scripting, scripting and statistical analysis, testing, and measurement.
  • Edge programming and training on some dialers.
  • TSR Training and development.
  • Supervisor and management training seminars.
  • In-house program, staff and development evaluation.
  • Telemarketing revenue and cost analysis.

A generic list of types of projects registered centers have experience with follows.
Program experience & availability
Program types (I)nbound, (O)utbound, (B)oth
Commercial P&C Prospecting O
International Inbound I (French & Spanish)
Generic Surveys I, O, B
Timeshares & Travel Clubs O
Mortgage Surveys I, O, B
Political Surveys I, O, B
Long-distance(Consumer) I, O, B
Long-distance(B-to-B) I, O, B
Cable TV (new & upgrades) I, O, B
Motor Clubs I, O, B
Membership Programs I, O, B
Travel Clubs I, O, B
Credit Cards (new, ret, act) I, O, B
Customer Service I, O, B
Subscriptions (sales & renew) I, O, B
Help Desk I, O, B
Insurance Products I, O, B
Catalog Service & sales I
Third Party Verification I

As a client, consider asking yourself these questions about your current (outsourced) or proposed, telemarketing project:

  • Is my payment program competitive, too high, or too low?
  • Am I happy with my daily reports and data transimission? Always timely?
  • Should I consider multiple centers and/or telemarketing companies?
  • Are my lists being penetrated effectively and am I getting enough sales from each list?
  • Do the callers represent my company professionally and with courtesy?
  • Are you getting enough feedback on a daily, weekly and monthy basis to enhance your program?
  • If a center doesn't perform well, do you feel you just get excuses...or real solutions to real problems?
  • When was the last time you listened to one of the lowest producing reps on your project?
    Is this the type of presentation you want representing your company?

Fill out this simple form, and we'll help you evaluate and place your telemarketing work:

Note: If you're a mortgage client, a special page is available. click here
If you're a timeshare or travel club client, click here.

Your email address: (required)

Are you using, or have you used telemarketing?

Yes No

Will you provide a basic script, responses, and qualification criteria?

Yes No

Will you provide the leads?

Yes No Maybe
Please give a brief descrition of the project.

How are you planning to pay for the telemarketing? On an hourly rate, a per item/sale rate only or on a blended basis (hourly and per sale).

Hourly Per Sale Combination
List any additional information about your product or service:

Please enter the following information. We'll contact you shortly.

First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Zip/Postal Code
Country (required)
Phone Number (required)
Fax Number

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.
Click on 'submit' to send this form via email.

Dan Seliger, Stellar Performance Marketing, Inc.
PO Box 354
Cherokee, IA 51012
(712) 225-1288

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