POLITICAL Page -- Stellar Performance Marketing


Over 35 different, registered, professional, telemarketing centers
are available to help put you in office!

A special, automated, messaging dialer is now available for all clients.
This unique dialer allows you to record your own message and then automatically dial the phone numbers you want. For just 20 cents per phone number, it is a highly cost effective means of reaching thousands of prospects in a very short period of time.

Custom messages can also be tailored for answering machines.

For more information on this service, just email us from the bottom of the page.

Political Candidates: Ask yourself these questions:

  • How many registered voters are sure to vote for you?
  • How many voters aren't sure who they'll vote for, and WHO are they?
  • How many voters absolutely won't vote for you, and WHO are they?
  • Which issue(s) affect your constituents the most?
If a political candidate knows the answers to ALL these questions, their chances of WINNING is greatly enhanced.

All that is needed is some simple planning and registered voter lists.

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Get a list of all the registered voters in your polling area...preferably sorted by type: Repblican, Democrat, Independent, etc.
  2. Call all the registered voters (beginning in September/October).
  3. Begin sorting the yeses, strong no's, weak no's and maybes.
  4. During the 'sorting' capture some basic 'issue' information.
  5. Call back all the weak no's and maybes with a 'persuasion call' about
    2 weeks before the vote date.
  6. Call back all yeses, weak no's, and maybes in a GOTV (get-out-the-vote)
    campaign one or 2 days BEFORE the actual voting day and DURING the voting day until 7pm...leaving professionally recorded answering machine recordings when necessary, and where available...
    (not all telemarketing companies have this capability).
  7. Reap your hard earned reward -- election!

The process of locking in your winning campaign strategy can begin with a simple email message to us.

There are about 225 professional telemarketing companies in the USA.
Almost 20% of those companies are registered
with Stellar Performance Marketing!

Some of these telemarketing centers have over 350 seats available.
As a political candidate, you can wait to see how you're doing in the late October political polls....



Stellar Performance Marketing is in the process of
telemarketing hours for political candidates for the months of
September and October and the most important days just prior to, and the day of the election.

Telemarketing hours will be at premium rates just prior to the election.
Hourly rates as high as $45.00 and $50.00 PER TELEMARKETING HOUR were seen during the last election and will happen again.

Reserve your place in election history now!

Stellar Performance Marketing specializes in matching clients and their products and services with specialized telemarketing centers. A number of centers are available for all types of inbound and outbound telemarketing: From specialized insurance and business- to-business needs to simple political calls and lead generation programs.

With over 15 year's experience in the telemarketing industry, Stellar Performance Marketing could be your ticket, 'link' to success.

Dan Seliger, Stellar Performance Marketing, Inc.
PO Box 354
Cherokee, IA 51012
(712) 225-1288

Check out these useful links:

Some of our 'promotion' friends are listed below:
The best web site (selfpromotion.com)I've found to date! CLICK HERE!

Click Here to Search the Web with PowerSearch.com!

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